The following rules and expectations have been approved by GCS Governing Body for the following purposes:
Our School follows the day school St. Cyprian’s term dates and is open on Saturdays from 09.30 to 13:30
Pupils should be at school at school from 9.15am and least five minutes before the start of school.
Parents should drop off their children at the Springfield Road school entrance and also collect them from the same playground after lessons finish in the afternoon.
Parents, of nursery and year 1 pupils, can drop off and collect their children from outside the glass corridor entrance.
For the safety of all our children we ask that only teachers and members of the committee, who have been DBS checked can walk along corridors, therefore parents are kindly requested NOT to enter the building.
Parents who are going to be late in picking up their children must inform the school by telephone on: 07841 038 881 regardless of the reason of their lateness.
School enrolment occurs at the beginning of the academic year in September but we urge you to enrol your child/ren on-line by August 20th so that teachers can organise classes.
The GCS are guests of the day school and as such must be duly respectful of the environment generally and specifically the classrooms in which they are taught. Other children use the same space as a learning/teaching environment during the week and we must be mindful of this fact.
It is therefore strictly prohibited for pupils to:
The school will accept no responsibility for loss or theft of any personal items. Accordingly, valuables such as expensive watches and jewellery or other items should not be brought into School.
All mobile phones should be switched off on entry into school and during lesson time and handed to the teacher until HOME time. Any pupil found disobeying this rule will have their mobile phone confiscated for the duration of the day and parents informed.
Appropriate conduct and behaviour is expected of all pupils at all times in and out of the classroom and during break times. Our school continually strives to cultivate a sense of self-discipline in its pupils and to create opportunities for discussion and dialogue and for the assumption of responsibility. Adherence to school rules and expectations are an essential prerequisite for the development of maturity and progress.
Penalties for misbehaviour may include – Contacting and informing parents, payment for whatever damage may have been caused, suspension from school and/or permanent exclusion from School.
A decision for suspension or expulsion can only be taken by a joint decision of the Governing Body and the Head Teacher and only after the parents have been given the opportunity to comment on the matter. The parents have the right of appeal to the Governing Body.
It is strictly prohibited for pupils to leave the school premises during School hours.
The school should be notified of any absences in advance.
All pupils are expected to participate in the School events such as the Christmas and end of the year celebrations and other festivals.
Homework given to pupils can be downloaded via Google Classroom. It is a parental responsibility to accept the administration or the teacher's invitation to Google Classroom.
Homework, which is age appropriate, forms an integral part of the curriculum program and pupils will be expected to take work home or it can be downloaded from Google Classroom to be completed at home. Where the pupil is absent from school, it is his/her duty to obtain the relevant details of the work from his/her fellow pupils or download homework from Google Classroom and complete the work. If homework is systematically not being done, the parents will be informed in writing of the situation and may be asked to discuss this with their child’s teacher.
Parents are informed of their children’s progress on Parents’ Days, which are held twice a year at the School for teachers and parents to discuss any matter concerning their child’s learning progress, performance and behaviour .
It is essential to keep the school informed of any change in address or telephone number. Your children’s care in the school depends on the ability to contact parents should the occasion arise.
Parents may do so by arranging an appointment in advance with the relevant teacher. The Head Teacher is available to discuss any matter of concern to the parents at a mutually convenient time.
The school fees are payable on enrolment, but in order to ease the burden, can be made in three instalments as follows:
Notwithstanding this, we are here to help. If you are struggling with the fee payment structure above, please speak in confidence, with the school treasurer who will work with you to agree a mutually acceptable solution.
The Governing Body reserves the right to charge interest on fees paid late.
New pupils starting mid-term will be charged a pro rata rate. The Governing Body reserves the right to exclude pupils from School in cases where there is non-payment of fees.
Signing the registration form will be a declaration that you have read and understood the above school "RULES and EXPECTATIONS" and agree to assist your children to abide by them as a condition of their attendance at the school.