Key dates for your calendar
Term 1

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21 SEP
Start of Term 1

Autumn term, first day at school. Lessons start at 9:30am.

Half Term (School Closed)

Our school will be closed on October 2nd for Half Term.
Back to school 9th November

28 NOV
Celebrating Cyprus Independence Day

The day celebrates the independence of Cyprus from British rule on 16th August 1960.

Half Term (School Closed)

Our school will be closed on October 28th for Half Term.
Back to school 4th November

9 Nov
Spelling Bee

For the Spelling bee contest, students are given words that they must attempt to spell correctly out loud.

Christmas Play & Fair

Parents are welcome to come and join us to watch their children singing Christmas carols and reciting poems, celebrating the Christmas Season. Parents Welcome from 12:15
A small fair will follow after the play.

14 DEC
Christmas Activities

Fun Christmas Activities for all the children.

21 DEC
Christmas Holidays (School Closed)

Our school will be closed for Christmas Holidays on December 21st, 28th 2024.

Inset Day (School Closed)

Our school will be closed for Inset day.

11 JAN
Start Of Term 2 (Blessings)

Father Chris will be conducting the blessing for the beginning of the new academic year.

Gold Quality Mark

Our school, Greek Community School at St. Cyprian’s has been awarded the Gold Quality Mark by the National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education and has become the first one of its kind in London to achieve that.

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